━━━━⠀⠀ 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐒. ⠀⠀
NAME. ⠀⠀chuuya⠀ nakahara⠀ [ 中原中也 ]
ALIASES. ⠀⠀arahabaki,⠀ king of the sheep,⠀ twin dark.
AGE. ⠀⠀ 22 / verse dependent.
DATE OF BIRTH. ⠀⠀ april 29.
ZODIAC. ⠀⠀aries.
ORIENTATION. ⠀⠀bisexual / biromantic.
PRONOUNS. ⠀⠀he / him.
ETHNICITY. ⠀⠀japanese.
ABILITY. ⠀⠀upon the tainted sorrow [ the manipulation of gravity ].
RELATIONSHIP STATUS. ⠀⠀ single / verse dependent.PLACE OF BIRTH. ⠀⠀ yokohama.
CURRENT LOCATION. ⠀⠀ yokohama.
CURRENT OCCUPATION. ⠀⠀ mafia executive.
LANGUAGES. ⠀⠀ japanese, english, russian, mandarin.
FAMILY. ⠀⠀it's a surprise.

━━━━⠀⠀ 𝐂𝐑𝐀𝐒𝐇 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐄. ⠀⠀
born from the result of calamity and destruction, chuuya came to existence as a vessel with no prior memories younger than seven years old after his merge with an entity. he spends his adolescence searching for the truth of his origins, finding himself involved in various groups that serve different purposes. his ability is called upon the tainted sorrow, in which he can control gravity.his ability's true form is called corruption, which gives him absolutely no control over his powers and causes mass destruction in its wake - once used, he cannot stop it and he will continue to destroy his surroundings until it kills him ( this can only be stopped by someone with a nullification ability ).chuuya is seen with gloves on as an anchor to corruption. he joined the port mafia when he was only fifteen and quickly rose through the ranks, becoming an executive.he cares deeply for his city and his people in the port mafia, the group becoming his family. chuuya is loyal and dedicated, unafraid to do what he must for the sake of his mission and his ideals. while he is hot-heated and easily angered, he is not prone to violence unless the situation calls for it and is highly rational when needed. at the end of the day, chuuya does what he has to do to fulfill his missions.[ haven't seen bsd? click here for the universe's crash course! ]


━━━━⠀⠀ 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄. ⠀⠀
HEIGHT. ⠀⠀five feet, three inches. will deck you if you comment on it (:
HAIR. ⠀⠀ deep orange, sometimes red. naturally waved, bangs often over his forehead and tied back loosely.
EYES. ⠀⠀deep gray.
BODY TYPE. ⠀⠀ tba.
FASHION. ⠀⠀often seen wearing a black hat with a red band and thin silver chain, white button shirts with a red vest, black choker, and a black ribbon bolo tie held togetehr with a small silver buckle. black cropped jacket with the sleeves rolled up. also seen earing a longer jacket with deep red underlings. almost always sports black, leather gloves.

━━━━⠀⠀ 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐘.
BEHAVIORISMS. ⠀⠀ has a short fuse and tends to display his frustrations vocally and physically. he's quite arrogant and confident in his abilities, and reluctant to accept defeat. he also displays a form of seriousness that would hint at a more composed instance.
MORAL ALIGNMENT. ⠀⠀lawful neutral. ⠀⠀a lawful neutral character acts as law, tradition, or a personal code directs him. order and organization are paramount to him.
MYERS-BRIGGS. ⠀⠀ ENTJ-T. ⠀⠀ people with this personality type embody the gifts of charisma and confidence, and project authority in a way that draws crowds together behind a common goal.
ENNEAGRAM. ⠀⠀ type 8. ⠀⠀ eights attempt to master the world by being strong. they like to solve problems through sheer willpower and have no problem with confrontation.
TEMPERAMENT. ⠀⠀ choleric. ⠀⠀choleric personalities are hot, dry, fiery, creatures. at their best they're ambitious, brave and proud, but they can also be vindictive, deceitful and violent. and without exception, they are irritable and bad-tempered.
POSITIVE TRAITS. ⠀⠀ loyal, resourceful, rational, reasonable, efficient, confident, charismatic, charming, strategic.
NEGATIVE TRAITS. ⠀⠀ aggressive, short-sighted, arrogant, stubborn, intolerant, impatient, apathetic, cold, ruthless.
SKILLS & ABILITIES. ⠀⠀ extremely skilled in martial training and general combat. a master of his own powered abiilty.





PRE - MAFIA ⠀⠀working with the sheeps and whatnot, trying to uncover his past.MAFIA . ( MAIN ) ⠀⠀one of the five executives, just vibing, thriving, trying to do his job. avoiding the ada unless absolutely necessary.


ARMED DETECTIVE AGENCY 001 ⠀⠀defected from the mafia through a deal after the brutal murder of his friends ( when he was 16 ), ended up in the ADA as part of the terms after dealing with unfinished business.ARMED DETECTIVE AGENCY 002 ⠀⠀rather than join the port mafia, he was recruited by the ada at age 15 after word got out on his powers. he was later promised a way to find out more of his origins.MODERN ( POWERLESS ) ⠀⠀honestly the same as his main. an executive of a brutal and deadly mafia based in japan, he travels frequently to resolve disputes and negotiate deals with international contacts.MODERN ( COLLEGE FOCUSED ) ⠀⠀tba




grishaverse. ⠀⠀a squaller ............ idk that feels like the closest thing to manipulating gravity in some metaphorical sense lmao. he probs attended little palace from a young-ish age after being swept from shu and had some dangerous merzost accident that he can't remember at All, losing a good chunk of his memories and then dipped off to ketterdam bc he felt it was safer and wanted to bide his time rather than being a solider in a cause he didn't particularly devote himself to. he joined the port mafia and quickly rose through the ranks, now standing as one of the five executives ( leader of his own branch within the port mafia ). his powers are seemingly normal but they're extremely volatile and he can soon lose control.